Opananken Antistress

Opananken Antistress

  • Gender
  • Ladies, Men
  • Material
  • Leather
  • Occasion
  • Athletic, Casual, Comfort, Social
  • Price range (FOB)
  • USD 0.00 to USD 0.00,
  • Product category
  • Boot, Sandal, Slipper/Flip Flop
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Men Woman
About the brand

The basis for any footwear is the form, and Opananken is the outcome of development and steadfast research, resulting in a form anatomically perfect and approved by orthopedists. Opananken's criteria which have always prevailed - and turned out to be the public's preference - is the maximum comfort, followed by the materials selected especially for the health of the feet. The inspiration for the trademark came from the idea of the classical structured Italian footwear called "San Crispino" which was brought from Europe by the company's owner, Geraldo Ribeiro Filho. The name Opananken was inspired by an old peasant shoe used in the Balkans called opanak, a term that referred to a shoe to move. Nowadays, the brand produces and delivers its footwear not only in Brazil but also overseas.

New Comfy Line

New Line

Women's Collection

Men's Collection

Opananken in Europe
